Section: New Results

Verification of Heterogeneous Systems

Participants : Axel Legay, Benoît Boyer, Ngo Van-Chan, Jean Quilbeuf.

This part concerns Tasks 1, 2 and 4 of the action. We characterize and formalize heterogeneous aspects of SoS and then we define efficient monitoring algorithms and representations for their requirements. We then combine the results with Statistical Model Checking (Task 5).

Systems of Systems (SoS) are very large scale systems with particular characteristics. SoS are not directly built from scratch by a single designer or a single team but are obtained as the composition of simpler systems. SoS have strong reliability and dependability requirements, as they aim to provide a service over a long running period. SoS may dynamically modify themselves by connecting to new systems, updating or disconnecting faulty ones, making it impossible to statically know the set of subsystems that are part of the SoS before runtime.

One of the main difficulty arising when developing SoS is the fact that subsystems may have been designed with a different goal in mind. In particular, some subsystems may have their own goal which differs from the global goal of the SoS. Furthermore, each subsystem may be developed in a particular computation model, making it difficult to find a common unifying semantics for the whole SoS. Finally, SoS may exhibit some emergent behaviors that are hardly predictable at design time.

One of the solutions to allow simulation of a SoS is to rely on a common interface for interconnecting the subsystems. The Functional Mockup Interface (FMI) standard is a natural candidate for such an interface. The different components of a SoS developed in different models of computation can be translated to Functional Mockup Units (FMU). Then a so-called master algorithm coordinates the FMUs composing the system. The execution of each FMU is either directly handled by the master algorithm or relies on an external tool for its execution.

Because the subsystems composing a SoS are of heterogeneous nature, it is difficult to find a common semantics model for the whole system. Furthermore, building such a transition system is not tractable due to the complexity of the system. Thus verification through traditional model checking is not possible for SoS. However, since the FMI/FMU framework enables simulation of such systems, the statistical model checking approach can be used.

The DANSE EU project aims to provide a complete tool chain from the modeling to the verification of SoS. At the higher level, the modeling is done in UPDM using the RHAPSODY tool. At the same level, the designer can express requirements over the model using some patterns written in GCSL. The UPDM model can then be translated into a FMI/FMU format that can be simulated by a dedicated tool, named DESYRE. Similarly, the GCSL requirements are transformed into BLTL formulas. Finally, the PLASMA statistical model checker has been integrated with the DESYRE tool chain in order to check the BLTL formulas based on the simulations provided by DESYRE.


[45] (W)

This report presents some of the results of the first year of Danse, one of the first EU IP projects dedicated to System of Systems. Concretely, we offer a tool chain that allows to specify SoS and SoS requirements at high level, and analyse them using powerful toolsets coming from the formal verification area. At the high level, we use UPDM, the system model provided by the british army as well as a new type of contract based on behavioral patterns. At low level, we rely on a powerful simulation toolset combined with recent advances from the area of statistical model checking. The approach has been applied to a case study developed at EADS Innovation Works.

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Exhaustive formal verification for systems of systems (SoS) is impractical and cannot be applied on a large scale. In this paper we propose to use statistical model checking for efficient verification of SoS. We address three relevant aspects for systems of systems: 1) the model of the SoS, which includes stochastic aspects; 2) the formalization of the SoS requirements in the form of contracts; 3) the tool-chain to support statistical model checking for SoS. We adapt the SMC technique for application to heterogeneous SoS. We extend the UPDM/SysML specification language to express the SoS requirements that the implemented strategies over the SoS must satisfy. The requirements are specified with a new contract language specifically designed for SoS, targeting a high-level English-pattern language, but relying on an accurate semantics given by the standard temporal logics. The contracts are verified against the UPDM/SysML specification using the Statistical Model Checker (SMC) PLASMA combined with the simulation engine DESYRE, which integrates heterogeneous behavioral models through the functional mock-up interface (FMI) standard. The tool-chain allows computing an estimation of the satisfiability of the contracts by the SoS. The results help the system architect to trade-off different solutions to guide the evolution of the SoS.